Dante day 2021

The University of Pavia’s Archaeological Museum celebrated the national day dedicated to Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) on the 700th anniversary of his death with a rare document of the time: a picture of Faculty of Letters and Philosophy graduates from the University of Pavia, in 1921. The great poet is represented in the centre of the composition alongside a quotation of a famous verse from Canto XXXIII of Purgatory: “Lo dolce ber che mai non avria sazio”. The image draws inspiration from that one created by Gustave Dorè, which portrays Dante while drinking the water of the Eunoè River.

Faculty professors, including Professor Plinio Fraccaro, are pictured together with the undergraduates. In 1957, once he had become principal, he transferred the Archaeology Museum to the dome of the ancient San Matteo Hospital from its home in the Archaeological Courtyard (or “of the Rectory”).

The picture, taken by Pavia’s famous ‘Tollini’ photography studio , was recently found in a piece of furniture from Professor Fraccaro’s office and is now kept in the Photo Library at the Archaeological Museum.

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